Our Factory

Where precision meets innovation,
Insera Sena redefines excellence.

Perfection isn't a destination; it's a journey. Our assembly line is a reflection of this belief. It's here that we bring our manufactured bicycle parts to life, transforming them into more than just bicycles; they become a statement of excellence, a true embodiment of the Insera Sena legacy.

Head of Assembly Division Insera Sena

Life in Motion

Our Assembly Division is where precision becomes a way of life, a philosophy we uphold with unwavering dedication. Each component, every bicycle, undergoes a meticulous journey.

The art of assembly is profound, with complex setups meticulously crafted for our high-end bicycles and the precision demanded by electronic bicycle (e-bike) assembly. Here in Insera Sena, we don't just create bicycles; we manufacture dreams, where every element plays a vital role in the symphony of motion.